

2 months!

Two month stats:

7 pounds, 1.5 oz

19.75 inches

Head circumference: 36cm

He’s still not on the regular WHO charts, but he is moving on up the preemie charts.  He’s had a huge jump in weight and head circumference.  A more modest, on the same track, increase in length  He got his two month vaccines.

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How many days?

I’ve spent a lot of time in the lobbies of various medical professionals in the last two weeks.  And the common question is “awww, he’s so new, how many days old is he?”  It’s always fun to watch reactions when I say “seven weeks.”  Some people don’t seem to find that odd, and some look really surprised.

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This morning Zach and I headed to the hospital one final time.  We got there around 8:45.  They did rounds on him first, then brought us paperwork to go over, and then we were on our way!  I had to be wheeled down in a wheel chair, since our car seat isn’t an infant bucket seat.  The nurses mentioned several times how very ready he was to go home.  Maybe they knew how terrifying it is to go from 24/7 monitoring to… nothing.  The NP mentioned during rounds that I’m good at pacing him when he eats.  I’ve noticed that he is starting to remember to breathe between swallows, rather than gulp gulp gulping and then catching his breath.

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