
2 months!

Two month stats:

7 pounds, 1.5 oz

19.75 inches

Head circumference: 36cm

He’s still not on the regular WHO charts, but he is moving on up the preemie charts.  He’s had a huge jump in weight and head circumference.  A more modest, on the same track, increase in length  He got his two month vaccines.

Things are still fairly overwhelming and difficult.  Though for right this second they are mostly the same difficult day-to-day.  I did just buy a scale, because going a month between appointments is not giving me the information I need.  And I don’t want to pay a copay to go more often than I need to.  The scale confirms what I thought… he is definitely starting to take in a bit more milk.  So yay!  I’m still considering scheduling an LC appointment at WBWC just to make sure there is nothing I’m missing.

I had my follow up appointment with my PCP.  BP is still highish.  She wants me to take it and record once per week.  We’re keeping the procardia the same for now.  We rechecked urine, which still has plenty of protein in it, unfortunately.  The numbers were definitely not good.  But she said we will just watch it and recheck everything in two months.  She still thinks it will resolve itself, but is just doing so slowly.

I’ve started doing a little bit of tummy time with Rowan.  He is not a fan.  They never are.  I’m still only getting 2 hour chunks of sleep, and not nearly enough of them.

Here are a few comparison pictures of Lorelei and Rowan.

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A little hurricane hair whorl


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Rhiannon Giles

Rhiannon Giles is a freelance writer from Durham, North Carolina. She interweaves poignancy and humor to cover topics ranging from prematurity to parenting and mental health. Her work has been featured on sites such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Parents, Scary Mommy, McSweeney's, and HuffPost. You can find her being consistently inconsistent on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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