

“All the Things You Treasure Most Will Be the Hardest Won”

I sat on the hospital bed waiting for him to open his eyes.

The pregnancy had been a mess from the beginning, with every plan dismantled. I went through four sets of providers – each progressively more high risk than the last. It was not astonishing when, 37 weeks later, I sat in a hospital room next to my infant son. The surprise was that he was already five weeks old.

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Greatest HitsPrematurity

My 31 Week C-Section — Prematurity Awareness Month

If you are anything like me, you have likely read about a kazillion birth stories since the moment you found out you were pregnant for the first time. I have read everything from accidental unassisted homebirths to hospital horror stories. From beautiful water births to straightforward c-sections. I don’t know that I have ready many details about preterm c-sections.

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