

Merry Christmas from the family

Please someone tell me that your kid is sometimes an ungrateful brat unfortunately honest during present opening.  At this rate she will never have a future as a professional poker player, because she immediately says whatever she is thinking about the present at hand.  We talked about how it would be better to find *one* thing she likes about a gift and to say that, rather than to say all the reasons it wasn’t exactly what she wanted.  At our house Santa brings one big gift.  Santa has always brought one big gift.  Mom and Santa work together on the stocking.  But this year suddenly Santa didn’t bring enough.

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Greatest HitsParenting

Semi-lucid thoughts of a sleep deprived mother. 

I haven’t slept for more than three straight hours in eight months. I’m being held together through sheer force of will, caffeine, and napping in toilet stalls. Sometimes I forget what I’m doing – while I’m doing it. Why am I in the kitchen and why is the cat in the refrigerator? Did I say cat? I meant toothbrush. Sometimes I mix up words. I have a yoga mat in my office that is only used for corpse pose.
I’m mostly doing a decent job of being a person who is, you know… awake. But there are some things that I am just not capable of dealing with right now.

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