rowan small and mighty


Inconsolable irony of Breathing

Rowan is sick. Again. I remember well the welcome-to-daycare series of plagues, but for Rowan a regular cold seems to turn into something more. This is the third time I’ve taken him in for coughing, with the second time being the dreaded RSV and hospital admission. I think he has had more sick visits in the eight months since his hospital discharge than Lorelei has in her entire six years. He’s on his second ear infection, and we’ve gone through almost an entire box of Xoponex nebulizer treatments. He spent hours last night screaming inconsolably.

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Keeping it real

We have plenty of beds in our house.  Lorelei’s room has a twin-over-full bunk bed, our bedroom has a king-size bed and crib, plus we have couches and a futon.  For the last week I have been sleeping with Rowan in the recliner, because we were both getting more sleep that way.  Lorelei, never one to sleep in a room by herself, decided to join us.  Then Squirt joined in.  It was a regular recliner party.  Maya was probably just under the foot of the recliner sulking.

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