rowan small and mighty



Last night I decided I needed to get some sort of present to express my appreciation to the nurses of the Duke Regional SCN.  I decided to make some bath salts and some hand cream.  Then I bought chocolate.  Flavored drink powders. Kiss My Face lotion. And coloring books, crayons, and colored pencils for older siblings visiting.  Tomorrow I’m going to go get a whole bunch of Pelican Bucks for Pelican Snoball shaved ice.

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The first music Lorelei ever heard was “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”.  For Rowan, it was “The One Who Knows”, by Dar Williams.  I’d actually intended this to be the first song Lorelei heard, as well, but in the midst of pushing a baby out I didn’t think to tell someone to turn it on.  Imagine that.

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Rowan towards home

Right now the plan is for me to room in at the hospital with Rowan tomorrow night.  Discharge still won’t be until Sunday, but the room is only available for tomorrow night.  So okay.  I’ll get a meal tray, and some relatively quiet time with my son before he comes home.  The nurses will be around to check on us, but I will do all of his care (temperature, diapers, weights, feeding), though the nurses will do the vitals, of course.

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Random blabbering

Just some random bits and pieces.

The nurses and doctors are all impressed at his nursing ability.  One of the doctors mentioned twice that he had a latch score of ten.  I just assumed she was just saying that as an expression.  But evidently that is an actual scoring system.  And preemies don’t usually get tens.  His latch really is great.  I think that his latch is better at one month (negative 3.5 weeks adjusted) that Lorelei’s was… ever.  Though, I’m basing this partly on my lack of pain, and since I’m only nursing him twice a day it really isn’t a fair comparison.

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