

Rowan Small and Mighty Turns Two: Contents May Include Both Sound and Fury

Two years ago a phlebotomist came into my room at 5 am. She inserted a needle into the crease of my elbow like someone had once every few days for the last two weeks. I was amazed they were still able to find a vein. Nothing stands out about that particular needle stick. It melts together with all the rest of the early morning wake up calls that involved someone standing over me with a needle and vacutainer.

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#TBT – Nursing Rowan

I have a confession to make: I really don’t particularly love nursing Rowan. I love the idea of it, but in reality he is at a stage that is something akin to trying to nurse a manic octopus. He claws at my arms, breasts, and face. His newfound locomotion has him trying to crawl while he nurses, gymnastic feats of sticking his butt in the air and doing the nursing equivalent of the dizzy bat game. He can’t seem to keep his top teeth off of me, and occasionally bites down — apparently just for the fun of it. He’s distractible, and he pops on and off repeatedly.

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Items I love

8 Preemie Essentials

Rowan turns one next month. NEXT. MONTH. How in the hell has this happened? I’ll post some updates over on rowan.small.and.mighty as we get closer to the big day. In the meantime, I am frequently asked about what I would consider to be the essential NICU/Preemie purchases, or what might be a practical gift for a NICU family, so I thought I would share a few. Just like with full term babies, every kid is different, but these are my must haves (or at least “nice to haves”).

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