“Essentials” For Camping With Kids
Whenever I mention camping with small kids people look at me like I am the most badass outdoorswoman to ever make a toddler carry her own fully loaded pack into the deep woods.
Whenever I mention camping with small kids people look at me like I am the most badass outdoorswoman to ever make a toddler carry her own fully loaded pack into the deep woods.
I am working on a post about the items I consider essential when camping with kids, but thought republishing this piece from parent.co would help provide context.
Here’s how it starts — I’m sitting at my computer, or in my car, and I suddenly feel trapped. I need to go somewhere, have an adventure, do something memorable. In college we would drive day and night to get somewhere new just for the sake of saying we went. Canada, New York City, Alabama, the Mississippi River.
Rowan turns one next month. NEXT. MONTH. How in the hell has this happened? I’ll post some updates over on rowan.small.and.mighty as we get closer to the big day. In the meantime, I am frequently asked about what I would consider to be the essential NICU/Preemie purchases, or what might be a practical gift for a NICU family, so I thought I would share a few. Just like with full term babies, every kid is different, but these are my must haves (or at least “nice to haves”).
I have been a full-time work-out-of-the-home mother for almost six years, so you would think I have it all under control by now.