Here’s the Good News I Promised!
I always have mixed feelings about the winter solstice — on one hand it means winter is officially here, but on the other hand it’s the beginning of the end of winter. I know, it’s confusing to me, too.
I always have mixed feelings about the winter solstice — on one hand it means winter is officially here, but on the other hand it’s the beginning of the end of winter. I know, it’s confusing to me, too.
I have a beer fairy.
Let me back up for a minute. During the Great Depression of 2018, I realized that keeping alcohol at home was a terrible idea. A beer here and there is no problem, but when I would buy a six pack I tended to self destruct — I won’t get into all the details, but suffice it to say it was bad enough to make my therapist give me her cell phone number.
Water metaphors always work well for depression.
Imagine that you’re drowning. You’re face down in murky water with no idea how deep you have gotten. Occasionally, you might float to the surface but it won’t matter, you’ll drown with your back in fresh air and you’ll never even know.
I’m told there are about 8 inches of snow on the ground in Durham right now. The view from my window suggests it may be true. I can’t verify it, because I’m squeezed into a hospital bed with Rowan.
We all know that mental and physical health affect each other, right? I mean, I would like to think that my writing brings the sort of readers who already know that. But just in case you were not aware… they do.
Hey! Who’s tired of talking about depression?!
We’ll take a break in that regularly scheduled programming and step back to talk about Halloween costumes!
Depressed person: “I feel like shit. My house is a mess and everything is horrible.”
Caring individual: “But look at all these great things you are managing to do!”