On Time Travel and the Collection of Sounds in My Ears
I’m sure you know there’s lots to learn
But that’s not your fault, that’s just your turn
I’m sure you know there’s lots to learn
But that’s not your fault, that’s just your turn
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to identity and how we discern who we are based on what we do. For some people, that might be their career. I have many friends who have pursued one ambition doggedly, and with success, for years or decades. Other friends find their passion in one cause, or maybe two. Some dabble, collecting little pieces of interests that create a mosaic of themselves.
Dear Lazy Mother in the Grocery Store,
I saw you.
Lunchables? Really?
I heard your kid whining for popsicles. I saw you reach into the freezer and ask which type.
A few years ago, when we were just starting to entertain the idea of maybe possibly having a second kid someday maybe, I decided we should get Lorelei a set of twin over full bunk beds. Our house isn’t huge and I knew eventually she would have to share a room with her future sibling, so I was planning ahead.
Give a burned-out mother five minutes and a Google search bar and she’ll be told no fewer than a dozen times that she needs to practice some self-care. Self-care is seen as this magical cure-all for anxiety, stress, and all that bothers you in life. I’m pretty sure it cures athlete’s foot and eczema, too.
If you are anything like me, you have likely read about a kazillion birth stories since the moment you found out you were pregnant for the first time. I have read everything from accidental unassisted homebirths to hospital horror stories. From beautiful water births to straightforward c-sections. I don’t know that I have ready many details about preterm c-sections.
It starts as scattered seeds — kernels anchored by anxiety and waiting for the right conditions to sprout. Some days they are fertilized by memories. Some days by fear. Most often they germinate themselves, arriving with a lunchbox of sunlight and water as they feed one another.