Author: Rhiannon Giles

Greatest HitsLife

The Crying Tub

Wednesday afternoon I was sitting at the stoplight near Lorelei’s school when my phone rang.

My mother’s number came up on the caller ID. My family is, as a collective, not phone people. Once you get us on the phone we can get sucked into a conversation and spend an evening chatting. But in general, we will always choose text or email. It’s completely normal for me to go weeks, even months, without talking on the phone to my sister or parents.

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Mental Health

If You’re Happy and You Know it, Wonder Why

In college, before I started dating Zach, I dated this other guy. Some of you know him and a few of you remember that relationship. It was one of those short-lived intense codependent college relationships that are all roller coastery. The type where you put up with the lows, because the highs make you feel needed and important in someone’s life. And at the age of 19, I was desperate to figure out who I was and prove myself worthy of… anything.

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