Tagalongs vs. Peanut Butter Patties? The Answer May Surprise You *
(*The answer will probably not surprise you)
Girl Scout cookie season: one of the few good things about Winter. Everyone has their favorites. Personally, I hate both coconut and mint chocolate. But give me peanut butter and chocolate and I’m a very happy person. As a kid I adored Tagalongs.
At some point, I realized I was mostly only buying them out of nostalgia. I mean, they are still fantastic cookies, but they aren’t as earth-shattering as I remember. I figured I had just gotten older. Maybe the Girl Scout cookie taste bud had been replaced by the one that lets me enjoy broccoli.
I always wondered why they had changed the name from the iconic “Tagalong” to the boring, “Peanut Butter Patty.” Then, one winter in about 2007, we were up in West Virginia, skiing/snowboarding at Snowshoe Resort, when we happened to stop by a general store on our way out of town. There, on a display, as though they were nothing special, were boxes of Tagalongs.
I fell down a Google rabbit hole and discovered that Girl Scout cookies are actually made in one of two different bakeries, depending on where you live. There is ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. Some cookies are made exclusively at one or the other, some are made at both but with different names, and some keep their naming consistent. Here’s a handy chart.
For my 2018 cookie season run down on all the cookies from both bakeries, head over here.
There does not appear to be any rhyme nor reason to the distribution of cookies.

A few weeks ago, Steven sent me a text telling me that I had to send him some Caramel DeLites in the mail to Portland. Samoas were just not the same – darker chocolate and less coconut. One is lighter and less dense.
I told him that I needed both a box of Tagalongs and a box of LBB S’mores.
We made the swap.

The S’mores cookies are totally different cookies. There is no point to do any sort of taste test and I honestly don’t know which I like better. One is a cookie with chocolate and a tiny bit of marshmallow, covered in chocolate. The other is a sandwich cookie filled with marshmallow and chocolate. Both are delicious. I think I may prefer the sandwich cookie version slightly, and I appreciate it’s attention to tradition. S’mores are made with graham crackers sandwiching chocolate and marshmallow.

Now it was time for the real test. Zach was not convinced there was a difference between Tagalongs and Peanut Butter Patties. But he was oh so wrong. The Tagalongs are on the right-hand side of each photo.
You can tell the Tagalongs are going to have more peanut butter just by looking at them.
The peanut butter patties have more cookie and more chocolate, but they skimped on the best part.
And most importantly, look at the quality of the peanut butter. The Tagalong is creamy, thicker, and has a better overall texture.
The winner, by a mile, is the Tagalong. Even Zach agreed they were different. I propose that next cookie season we set up cookie swaps. I’ve heard the Thin Mints are different. And when life gives you Lemonade you must be in ABC territory because those don’t exist in LBB land. Then again, we don’t have Savannah Smiles.
I had no idea.
There are only two authorized baking companies in the country, but each Girl Scout council can contract with either one. There used to be more bakers but, economies of scale, profit margins, bakery cooperation, etc. pared the available bakers down to two. Councils renegotiate contracts on a periodic basis. (Hint: volunteer for your council’s “tasting committee.”) Decisions are made with recommendations from the committee plus cost/benefit analysis and some councils go together to form “buying consortiums” to get a better deal from the bakers. The national organization works with the bakers to ensure quality, appropriate package design, promotional materials, etc.
Check out the Girl Scout web-site: http://www.girlscouts.org/program/gs_cookies/
The approved bakers work directly with local Girl Scout councils. Each one of the 300-plus councils selects which baker it will work with and sets the price per box in its area. Currently two licensed bakers supply all local Girl Scout councils with cookies for girls to sell: ABC/Interbake Foods and Little Brownie Bakers.
Contact your local Girl Scout council to find out when and where cookies will be sold and what cookie varieties will be available in your community.
Pingback: What is the Deal with all the Different Girl Scout Cookies? ⋆ rhiyaya.com
The peanut butter patties are the ones I want because they’re vegan. I wish I could get them here.
^I was going to comment on the PB Patties being the vegan option, too! When I was a Girl Scout in the 90s we sold the PB Patties; I also initially thought ‘Tagalongs’ were just a rebranding and thought “why the heck are they making up cookie names instead of just using accurate descriptions”? I went down my own rabbit hole because of that. This post gives me a little more hope, I thought the distributors were statewide. I’ll have to keep a lookout for a rogue Michigan council that might have gone with ABC.
I also miss the cookies that were like lemon Oreos.