Duke Regional!
Right after he was born there was some mention of him being transferred to Duke Regional. Here is a Facebook post from May 6th.
“I could (and may) seriously cry from happiness right now. Rowan gets transferred to Duke Regional tonight. I asked about it this morning, the NP said he was definitely a good candidate (DRH’s specialty is growing stable babies). And they just called to say DRH has a bed available, and they can transfer him this evening.
For those of you who don’t know the hospitals around here… big Duke is a huge huge teaching hospital. Parking garage is across the road, and it’s a fairly long walk (by c-section, swollen feet standards) across to the hospital. And we have to pay to park.
And while it is very close to us, at five miles, DRH is only 1.5 miles and a straight shot from our house. It is a regional hospital, so much smaller, and has a free parking lot right outside of the building.
Extra bonus in him moving tonight is that Duke’s graduation is this weekend, which would have made the entire campus area a circus.”