

In defense of the mom group

The internet is full of criticisms for mom groups, and I will admit to laughing far too hard at the recent Ten Little Monkeys parody that has been making the rounds. I know those moms; the helpful advice couched in disapproval, the condescension and impractical suggestions. I know the moms who look for a fight, who rage quit at every opportunity and who have turned hypocrisy into an art form. The moms who publicly attack their peers for transgressions in the organic food aisle, and then hit up the drive through on the way home.

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Friends and babies

The past seven years have grown my tribe exponentially. I’ve met so many great people who have given birth to so many great kids. But first… first there was Qais. After years of living on opposite sides of the country and then the world, my friend Charlotte had moved back to the same town as me. And while other friends had had babies by that point, this was the first tiny tribesbaby who I could visit anytime I wanted.

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2 months!

Two month stats:

7 pounds, 1.5 oz

19.75 inches

Head circumference: 36cm

He’s still not on the regular WHO charts, but he is moving on up the preemie charts.  He’s had a huge jump in weight and head circumference.  A more modest, on the same track, increase in length  He got his two month vaccines.

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