

5 Ideas for Engaging Activities for Your Kids on Election Day

If there is one thing this election has been good for, other than decluttering your Facebook connections, it is having to answer difficult questions presented by your children. Unfortunately, I still don’t have a lot of great answers for why people would vote for a certain human cheese doodle. Questions about the election process, in general, are a little easier, though they sometimes challenge my ability to bring civics down to an understandable elementary-school level. I start talking about the electoral college and realize just how absurd and abstract this all sounds to a six-year-old.

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Watching Hillary’s DNC Speech With My Six Year Old

Seven years ago today, the second line showed up on a pregnancy test that I really did not think was going to be positive. I had been Googling all sorts of possible reasons I could have ovulated when I did, but not gotten my period. I alternated those searches with searching to see if every twinge or feeling could be a sign of early pregnancy. Pro tip: Everything can be a sign of early pregnancy if you search Dr. Google enough. Who knows if my ear ache, sore finger, or flaking nail polish were indications that I was pregnant, but I was.

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